Wednesday, November 30, 2016


There are two days left to buy your $30 ADVANCED TICKETS to the reunion on Friday, Dec. 23, 2016! For event details and to purchase your ticket right now, visit:

Special thanks to our superstar classmates Jan Kunimoto), Jacie Ann Oda and Aka Beaumont! Take a look at the door prizes / silent auction prizes including tickets to dinner shows, restaurant vouchers and name-brand t-shirts!!
$35 Regular Ticket Prices begin on Saturday, Dec. 3 to Dec. 23. A portion of ticket proceeds will go back to Mid-Pacific Institute. BUY NOW!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Visiting Campus To Test Out Our Sign Props!

Yesterday, Dez Miyahira and Mrs. Reed helped me test our our photo prop signs for our 15-year reunion. Note my sign with Mrs. Ikeda

Other photo prop signs include "Sensei's Favorite", "Seu's Regular Visitor" among other signs that are relevant to our high school and teachers.

Ticket sales are currently at $30 until Dec. 2. Prices go up to $35/person on Dec. 3.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Mrs. Reed’s Unique Approach in Interviewing Daniel McArdle-Jaimes

Written By Guest Blogger: Mrs. (Allyson) Reed

Daniel’s Note: Mrs. Reed was volunteered by Dezarae (Ramos) Miyahira to draft a blog about me. After successfully avoiding all texts and voice messages, she insisted that I email her responses to her questions. Then I found myself writing my own blog (which was what I was trying to avoid). After reviewing my responses, she ended up nixing the entire thing anyway. And so, after months of waiting, she finally turned in a dramatic narrative for your enjoyment (certainly not mine)! In the end, hopefully this will explain the dynamics of our eccentric relationship a little bit better...while trying to catch you up about what I’ve been up to the last 15 years when we’re not trying to throw each other under the bus.  

Most of you know that Daniel and I have a love-like relationship.   Perhaps we bond through our love of MPI and service to the school, or though our sarcastic attitude and sassiness, or even through our love of San Francisco—where we have jaunted through the city together.  It is nice to have seen Daniel grow into a responsible employee, a crazy doggy-dad, a loving husband, and my adult nemesis.

Who is Daniel?  According to your Facebook page, “ He is an in-demand national speaker, author, and educator and has served dozens of clients in the public, private and non-profit sector, including government utilities, universities, real estate, healthcare, avocados, and lifestyle brands.”  I don’t know what he served the avocados or why he served the avocados but I am sure that when he did serve them, the avocados were impressed with his level of detail and service.  I once asked DMJ what he did in SF and he replied in mumbo jumbo.  I didn’t understand what he said (and I still don’t) but what I do know is this…if Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked the bucket  of coal again, DMJ has made the city of San Francisco safe.

Ryan McArdle and Daniel Jaimes married in a heartfelt ceremony in the city of San Francisco.  Since then, their family life has merged into The Brady Bunch is Keeping Up with the Kardashians.  While the McArdles are small tight knit family, the Jaimes family is filled with drama (we have been witness to this in real life at numerous school events) and emotion. While the McArdles number about 8 and are in Portland, the Jaimes (and Higa) family numbers in the hundreds and can be found in all corners of the globe.  While the McArdles revel in peace and harmony, the Jaimes family explodes like fireworks on New Year’s Eve.

Daniel’s note: The McArdles are a small loving bunch, and we “argue” about silly things like… actually I can’t think of an argument we’ve ever had yet. Whereas, my extended Jaimes (and Higa) side feels like we have all of this unnecessary drama that surrounds us and it always seems to come back to haunt one of us (mostly me) later because someone in the family was gossiping or it was some secret that was revealed to me as an adult 15 years later...<queue the Korean soap opera music>. 

My God-puppy, Kai, is subjected to this bi-polar environment of hot apple pie topped  with spicy salsa.  Daniel cannot pass up a deal so when puppies were on sale for $50 at the San Francisco SPCA , the first McArdle-Jaimes baby came into being.  Hoping to expand their family, the McArdles- Jaimes family moved to Portland to be near family because Daniel does not trust himself with babies.  Honest words are spoken as my God-Puppy spent time at the vet on the day prior to my meeting him. Daniel indulged Kai the day before and allowed him to eat grapes (Grapes are poisonous  for some dogs).  Six-hundred dollars poorer (there went the puppy deal) and a bit wiser, Kai has puppy insurance and Daniel is now ready to move on to humans.

If I had known Paul Griffing would be so popular, I would have kept his papers and, no…Daniel, I did not keep any of yours. I hope Paul Griffing is present at the reunion as everyone is curious about this enigma of a lad.  Daniel Kardashian remembers him as “competition”.  Daniel admits snubbing him as a sophomore but later learned to appreciate Paul’s individualism, caring spirit, and kind heart.  This golden boy (Paul) is presently following in his family footsteps, working in the insurance industry, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Daniel’s life right now is consumed with the Class of 2001 mentorship and reunion.   Your class has been described as having a “unique energy” (fill in the euphemism here). Daniel remembers the many unique personalities our class had, including Chad Wheeler, Chad Nishi, Liann Unebasami, Jacie Ann Oda, Max Sato, Hiroaki Sakuma, Grant Shibuya, Kristen Tamashiro, Danny Pereira, Troy Matsumura, Ken Tsubata...and hopes to reconnect with all of you in December. He is also hoping to see all teachers and staff so that they can how their care and patience were successful in producing individuals who are not only professionals in your fields but who also contribute back to the communities you live in.

Daniel is also excited to see if his first social experiment is successful.   He says, “This reunion will serve as a huge milestone to visibly showcase and to see if the social media efforts and mentorship efforts in re-engaging each other and rebuilding our class a year out was successful or not.” It would be a huge tribute to Daniel and to your class if everyone would make the 2016 Holiday season as one that is devoted to family, friends, and the Mid-Pacific Class of 2001.

This is a true story.  I am my own eye witness.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Two Days Left for $25 Early Bird Tickets!


The Mid-Pacific Class of 2001 welcomes our beloved teachers, staff and friends from ALL Mid-Pacific alumni classes to join us at our 15-year reunion & celebration!

Earlier this year, the Class of 2001 demonstrated a commitment to redefine alumni relations by implementing a mentorship/scholarship program for the Class of 2017. To celebrate its success, we seek to bring together teachers, staff and our friends from other classes to showcase the value, influence and distinction the Mid-Pacific alumni network has to offer.
Through charitable corporate sponsors earned by the Mid-Pacific network, local businesses will have a front row seat to appreciate how Mid-Pacific graduates are a network filled with accomplished, innovative and dynamic leaders who are dedicated, loyal and continuously give back to the community.

For more information about becoming a corporate sponsor or recommending one, contact the Class of 2001 Alumni Representative Daniel McArdle-Jaimes at

Buy your $25 early bird ticket(s) or make a class donation today:
Prices increase to $30/person on Saturday, Nov. 5!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Another thank you note from the Class of 2017

 Another thank you note to the Class of 2001 from a member of the Class of 2017.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: "Early bird" tickets are on sale now at $25 until Friday, Nov. 4. Prices go up to $30 on Saturday, Nov. 5.  

Friday, October 21, 2016

Look for this postcard in your mailbox next week!

Next week, this postcard will be heading your way (assuming we have your updated mailing information)! Early bird tickets are on sale now.

Tickets are $25/person until Friday, Nov. 4. Visit our reunion website for more details and to purchase tickets, visit our reunion page.

PLEASE share this information with your friends! Not everyone is on social media (and we definitely don't have everyone's contact info)!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Class of 2001's Reunion Tickets Now On Sale!

All Are Invited!

Mid-Pacific Class of 2001's 15-Year Reunion & Celebration

See you on Friday, Dec. 23, 2016!  

The Mid-Pacific Class of 2001 welcomes our beloved teachers, staff and friends from ALL Mid-Pacific alumni classes to join us at our 15-year reunion & celebration! 
Earlier this year, the Class of 2001 demonstrated a commitment to redefine alumni relations by implementing a mentorship/scholarship program for the Class of 2017. To celebrate its success, we seek to bring together teachers, staff and our friends from other classes to showcase the value, influence and distinction the Mid-Pacific alumni network has to offer.
Through charitable corporate sponsorships earned by the Mid-Pacific network, local businesses will have a front row seat to appreciate how Mid-Pacific graduates are a network filled with accomplished, innovative and dynamic leaders who are dedicated, loyal and continuously give back to the community.
For more information about becoming an alumni corporate partner or recommending one, contact the Class of 2001 alumni representative, Daniel McArdle-Jaimes at

Optional/Free Pre-Party & Teacher Mixer (4:30 to 6 p.m.):
Join us for a personalized teacher-led campus tour and mixer.
Free shuttle transportation from Mid-Pacific to the main event provided by alumni corporate partner Hawaii Global Holiday.
Mid-Pacific Institute, Wilcox Hall
2445 Ka'ala Street | Honolulu, HI 96822 

The Main Event (6 to 9 p.m.):
Rock Bottom Sports Bar & Grill
2535 Coyne Street | Honolulu, HI 96826 (near University Ave.)
Plan ahead as parking is limited. Given the holiday weekend, please consider making car reservations early as there will be surge pricing and mobile app transportation providers will be delayed. Consider making advanced taxi reservations to and from this event. Do not drink and drive.
Silent Auction & Door Prizes
We are accepting in-kind donations! Let’s profile your business! 
The Event Experience:
  • Reconnect with alumni, teachers, staff and friends.
  • Full buffet (vegetarian/gluten free) and one drink ticket.
  • Activities include karaoke, darts and billiards.  
  • A silent auction for tickets/vouchers to restaurants, shows and excursions for the family, among many more!

Volunteers & Business Partnerships Are Welcomed!
Volunteers needed to help with set-up, logistics and planning. We also welcome your business partnership suggestions and in-kind donations for our silent auction or door prizes!

Ticket Prices:
  • Purchase by Friday, Nov. 4 at $25/person
  • Purchase by Friday, Dec. 2 at $30/person
  • Online ticket sales close on Friday, Dec. 16 at $35/person
  • If space is available, tickets at the door or after Dec. 16 are $35 (plus service fee)/person

To buy tickets:

Special thanks to our business partners:
  • RB Sports Bar & Grill
  • Hawaii Global Holiday

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Class of 2017 Says Thank You!

By:Daniel McArdle-Jaimes

The Class of 2001 raised $2,300 in scholarships donations for members of the Class of 2017 who are currently receiving financial aid. Some of those recipients drafted thank you letters to our class to express their appreciation and gratitude.

The Class of 2001 is the first class in our school's history to raise scholarship donations for a specific class. The Class of 2001 is also the first class ever to mentor a single senior class.

Look for more details regarding a call for additional mentors and scholarship donations later this year.

Monday, October 10, 2016

“You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don’t Take.” – Stated Mr. Wheeler’s Poster

By: Daniel McArdle-Jaimes

Does anyone else remember this poster Mr. Wheeler prominently displayed in his office? I don’t recall ever speaking to him about it, but I recall seeing it each and every time I stepped into his office to talk about student government-related activities. It is an inspirational quote that still sticks with me today, and part of the sum of many Mid-Pacific-inspired ingredients that I believe influenced the bravery and boldness I uphold today in facing impossible situations and putting myself out there, no matter the cost.    

In case you forgot, Mr. Wheeler served as the Class of 2001 dean until the 9th grade. To some, he was more than just someone you saw when you were in trouble. Mr. Wheeler was someone that many of us confided in. And to others, he was an inspirational coach who drew out our inner champion outside of the classroom. And to me, he was not only a sounding board, but he definitely reeled me in when I went too far off the deep end. And I needed all of those things, especially as an overly ambitious teenager. Mr. Wheeler knew how to nicely but directly reel me in—a skill that even my own parents struggled with!

In high school, I was considered as one of the talkative and “out-going” types. Believe it or not, I actually never viewed myself this way (and still don’t see myself this way). I was a doodler in class and my mind wandered a lot. I would actually consider myself to be more shy, conservative and introverted. But we can all thank Mid-Pacific, especially theatre and student government, to help draw out my leadership, communication and presentation skills. And Mr. Wheeler was instrumental in this process as he was one of the first supervisor-like figures for me –as he instilled real accountability and responsibility in my senior year (going beyond turning in lengthy persuasive essays on time and earning a high grade on a test). And one other thing Mr. Wheeler helped me with was define what public service and school spirit meant to me.

It were these values and character traits that were learned in my teenage years (“formative” according to Mr. Wheeler) years that helped inspire my professional path today in working with the community as a strategic communication and public engagement consultant for various governmental agencies, non-profits, businesses and schools. It is perhaps one of the reasons that helped me accept the duties of becoming the Class of 2001 alumni representative.

And, only a couple of weeks ago (after a 15 year hiatus), I was reminded about his magical inspirational, reflection and empowerment skills on our phone call that I needed in order to draft his blog. Hopefully, I am able to capture his wise counselor-like persona!

1) Catch us up. What have you been up to the last 15 years?
I think the last time you and your classmates saw me, I was just getting started in shaping the Student Government Association (SGA) program at Mid-Pacific. I am a firm believer in Mid-Pacific, our school’s spirit and school’s legacy. It is for these reasons that my sister (Mrs. Wheeler) and I decided to came back to our roots (where our dad taught math, and where we fondly refer to it as “the farm”). In more recent years, I decided to take on the SGA opportunity to define and grow the program’s concept, design, reach and impact.

I think many of your classmates would be surprised to see how expansive SGA has become. In fact, SGA has become so large that I needed help, and we recruited Mrs. Kondo to help empower and support our middle school student government leaders and programming initiatives.

One of the largest SGA programs that we started (in 2002) is the annual all-school Ho’olaule’a event. Each spring, the Ho’olaule’a works to showcase all of our school clubs, programs and activities. It includes music, food and entertainment for students, parents and staff to enjoy while building school spirit. It’s an event that everyone looks forward to each year.

When I’m not working on SGA-related programming, my afternoons and weekends are focused on serving as the assistant coach for Pac-5 football. I particularly enjoy coaching sports. It allows me to see Mid-Pacific students in an environment outside of the classroom and in a more relaxed atmosphere.  

2) You were also the basketball coach at one point in time. Were there any fond memories associated with that, particularly of any Class of 2001 alumni?
There were absolutely fond memories associated with coaching basketball. During your (the Class of 2001’s) senior year, was when the varsity team transitioned from the Division II to Division I. That was the year when we competed with the bigger schools. While we were a solid and competitive team when we played in Division II, we learned a lot and grew a lot when our senior guys (Chad Wheeler, Kyle Yanabu, Brian Terayama, James Ogiwara, Clint Copulos, Tyler Young, Ricky Bauer) not only became the veteran players, but also had to rise up to a higher level of basketball. 
There were also fond memories formed with my longtime basketball managers—Dezarae (Ramos) Miyahara, Stacie Shimabukuro, Kristen (Young) Unten—as they were so helpful in supporting the team. I recall the conversations we had following the games, which were uplifting and fond because I got to know the girls in a different light.  

3) The Class of 2001 was “officially” the last class to be under your guidance. Were there any fond memories or stand-out characteristics that defined the Class of 2001?
I think the first memory that comes to mind was when you were in the 7th grade. I was your dean at the time, and I remembered that the photographer came around to take the class picture. I remember trying to work with the homeroom teachers to try to gather you all together for a picture. I don’t know if it was your teenage hormones, excitement or because you were all too unfamiliar with each other, but that experience was worse than herding cats. I just remember thinking to myself “What did I get myself into?” because it was really my first opportunity seeing all of you together in one space.
When we finally were able to gather all of you together was I realized that we had a lot of different personalities in this (small) class, which was unique. Some classes are particularly memorable, and the Class of 2001 was one of those classes because of the energy, diversity and quirkiness that came with it. 

In Hawaii, probably more than anywhere else in the country (or the world, for that matter), where a person went to high school helps to define who that person is.  While there are certainly many more significant factors that go into defining a person, our high school experiences occur during such a formative stage in our lives that we cannot ignore the impact of those experiences in contributing to who we are today.
Having strong alumni relations allows us to maintain those relationships that were formed and sustained through those formative years of our lives.  We all move on with our lives after high school, but it's important to maintain the foundation upon which those lives were built.  Every school has a uniqueness to it - and one might argue that Mid-Pacific is more unique than others - and being able to share common memories and experiences with our fellow alums is what builds a strong alumni base.
The strength and image of our school today is, in large part, formed by all the alums out there doing their thing.  A successful alum brings honor to our school.

5) In looking at the current roster of teachers, there are so many alumni from various classes. Why do you think they come back? Why did you come back?
Don’t quote on me this (because I don’t think we have an official number yet) but I think we have 24 or 25 alumni that currently work at Mid-Pacific. I think that so many alumni come back to Mid-Pacific because the school has given so much to them in a variety of ways that are unique to each of them. But this year’s roster showcases the most alumni working at Mid-Pacific, and that is truly a huge testament to the school and its legacy.

6)  If the Class of 2001 were to come and tour the campus, what would be the most surprising thing to them?
The buildings. The campus has changed a lot, and it has grown a lot with the addition of the elementary school and the renovation efforts to a number of efforts, including the Quads and the former dormitory.

7) Which Mid-Pacific teacher do you most admire?
All of the “old-timers” as these have been the people that I have naturally become close to, as we’ve been working together the longest. They know who they are, and these are the individuals who I confide with professionally and personally.

8)  Which Class of 2001 Mid-Pacific alumni have you seen recently?
I got to see a lot of alumni at this summer’s Pa’ina Event, so those that come to mind first include Karalyn Tom, Kimberly Hee Aina, Rosella Leonhardt-Wicker, Bryan Sato, Keric Chang, Chad Wheeler, Dane Marcouiller. It was really nice to see all of them as a whole together. I am proud of them for becoming successful adults in their own professions, and some of them are now married or have children. 

Anyone and everyone. But if I were to pick a few, I would love to see my old basketball players, basketball managers and some of the people who used to come into my office just to talk story like Mariko (Daniels) Wakuya, Kristen Tamashiro or Mari Yokoi.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mentors of the Week: Dr. Kimberly Hee Aina & Daniel McArdle-Jaimes

By: Daniel McArdle-Jaimes

We are rounding out the profiling of all 18 mentors of the Class of 2001/2017 Mentorship Program. For more information about the Class of 2001/2017 mentorship program, visit:

Dr. Kimberly Hee Aina is a pediatric physical therapist at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children since 2009. She and her husband, Nick Aina, met at work and were married in 2015 in Honolulu. The couple welcomed their daughter, Sydney, born in March 2016. They have been enjoying every moment as new parents!

Daniel McArdle-Jaimes is a public relations executive that works as an independent contractor in Portland, Oregon. He married Ryan McArdle-Jaimes in San Francisco in April 2014. Daniel's expertise is in developing and executing strategic communication and innovative community engagement initiatives for his clients. To achieve his client's goals, he shapes their media relations, marketing, social media and strategic planning efforts. He is an in-demand national speaker, author, and educator and has served dozens of clients in the public, private and non-profit sector, including government utilities, universities, real estate, healthcare, avocados and lifestyle brands.    

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mentors of the Week! Dr. Ken Tsubata & Jamie Shore

This week's mentors of the week are Dr. Ken Tsubata and Jamie Shore! 

Dr. Ken Tsubata is a podatrist at Aloha Foot Centers in Kailua since 2014, and is certified in diabetic wound care management. In 2013, he married Dr. Sandra Au, DPM, also of Aloha Foot Centers. He returned to Hawaii after dedicating three years to a surgical training program at UCLA's Veteran's Medical Center in Greater Los Angles. To read more about Ken's experience, please review his infographic.

Jamie Shore is the manager of affiliate relations and marketing at The CW headquarters in Los Angeles. Jamie previously held positions within a talent agency, TV shows and networks, and a served as a TV program manager. She specializes in affiliate marketing for Broadcast TV, product marketing for media sales and programming for Cable TV Networks. To read more about Jamie's experience, please review her infographic. 

To learn more about our 18 professionals participating in the Mid-Pacific Class of 2001/2017 Mentorship Program, visit

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mentors Of The Week: April Ichinose & Keric Chang!

This week's mentors are April Ichinose and Keric Chang!

April Ichinose is a hairstylist, colorist and entrepreneur. She is celebrating her 12-year anniversary as a leading cosmetologist in Kaimuki. She is an experienced educator, and continued fashion collaborator for Honolulu's top retailers, fashion shows and magazines. After working in Southern and Northern California, April has returned to Kaimuki and grow her business and share her impeccable work ethic, taste and professionalism. Check out and follow her work on Instagram:

After nearly ten years with Ernst & Young, Keric Chang, CPA, recently took the position of Director of SEC reporting & SOX compliance at Hawaiian Airlines. Keric is an experienced and certified public accountant, and worked for nearly decade for multiple clients across the states and world. Keric's experience includes working on projects in excess of multiple millions of dollars, as well as managing 30+ team members in multiple states and world. 

To view all of our mentors, please visit:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mentors of the Week: Dr. Bryan Sato & Kyle Yanabu

This week's mentors are Dr. Bryan Sato and Kyle Yanabu!

Dr. Bryan Sato is a member of the Kaimuki Dental Group since 2009. Prior to moving back to Oahu, Dr. Sato earned his bachelors degree at Creighton University and his DDS degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He is a member of a handful of local dental professional organizations and study groups. Perhaps Dr. Sato is most proud of his involvement and the growth of the Give Kids A Smile Program in Hawaii.

Kyle Yanabu is a financial advisor at  Hawaii Financial Advisors, Inc. in downtown Honolulu. After his freshmen year at the University of Washington, Kyle pursued his dream of playing collegiate baseball and transfered to Pacific University to play for three years. While playing, Kyle earned his bachelors degree in business administration. Kyle has more than a decade of experience in offering financial advice for individuals, families and businesses, and is also a member of the Hawaii United Okinawan Association.

To view our full list of our 18 mentors from the Class of 2001, please visit:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Thank you Class of 2001!

Thank you to the Class of 2001 for your generous donations and participation in our mentoring program for the Class of 2017! 

Over the last 15 years, our best year in school donations was $200. This year we've raised more than $2,200 in scholarship funds that will directly go toward the Class of 2017.

Thank you to our all of mentors and to those who donated. To meet our 17 mentors, visit:

Here are this week's mentors of the week!

Cheng-Po (Paul) Chen is an engineer at General Electric in Albany, New York. He works with a variety of scientist to solve problems in aviation, healthcare, oil & gas, and power generation. He follows trends and incorporates cutting-edge technology into his work, including experimenting with artificial technology, robotics and renewable energy.

Dr. Grant Sumida is a manufacturing technical specialist in Vacaville, California. Grant leads collaboration between pharmaceutical  companies and academic research laboratories, and has conducted research to identify novel targets for glaucoma therapeutics. His noted research work can be found in several peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mentors of the week: Dr. Erin Fuller & Interior Designer Chelsea Holladay

We are 5 days away from closing our mentorship and college scholarship program for the Class of 2001!

We look forward to your support in donations or by participating as a mentor by visiting: and donations are due on Sunday, July 31.

This week's mentors are Chelsea Holladay and Dr. Erin Fuller!

Chelsea lives and works in San Francisco as an interior designer. She has worked for a variety of high profile companies, ranging from residential, commercial and hospitality clients. She is a world traveler, and volunteers her time for a number of non-profit groups in San Francisco. 

Erin lives and works in Stockton, California as a practicing dermatologist. She is a published author and has contributed articles to several medical journals. She is also a speaker at more than a dozen conferences, and is a member of several medical societies

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mentors of the Week: Kristen Unten & Dr. Grant Shibuya!

We are 10 days away from closing our mentorship and college scholarship program for the Class of 2001!

We look forward to your support and participation by visiting: Applications and donations are due on Sunday, July 31.

This week's mentors are Kristen (Young) Unten and Dr. Grant Shibuya.

Kristen lives and works in Southern California for a large technology company. She is a decorated IT consultant, and has served several large companies including Costco, Boeing, Toyota, Microsoft and Kaiser. While she mostly has the ability to work from home, she is also a hands-on mother of two.

Grant lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and has tremendous experience in chemistry, academia and research. He was a teacher assistant at the University of California, Irvine and a six-time author in peer-reviewed journals. He is currently working as a medicinal chemist for a start-up company.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Mentors Of The Week: Kevin Khan & Jennifer Naguwa

We are 15 days away before we close the enrollment process for our mentorship & scholarship program. Please help me thumbs up this week's mentors Kevin Khan & Jennifer Naguwa!

Kevin is a veteran electrical engineer, and recently relocated to Japan with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Check out his impressive credentials to see what he's been up to! 

Jen Naguwa is an admissions counselor for the University of Hawaii and all of their campuses. Given Jen's background, she has agreed to serve as the mentorship committee co-chair! Thank you, Jen!  

As a reminder, mentorship applications & scholarship donations are due on July 31. Contact me for details, or visit or blog for the forms to complete. Mahalo and have a nice weekend! 

P.S. PER TEACHER FEEDBACK, WE ARE LOOKING FOR MORE MENTORS, ESPECIALLY ARTISTS! Please encourage your friends and our classmates to participate!  

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Mentors Of The Week: Dr. Karalyn Tom & Liann Unebasami!

Our MENTORS OF THE WEEK are Liann Unebasami & Dr. Karalyn Tom! Aren't they impressive!?! All mentors will work with me to draft, develop and design their own infographics that will be used fof marketing themselves to the Class of 2017. Infographics are the NEW way to market your professional skills and are quickly replacing resumes. Stay tuned for more classmates profiles in the coming weeks.As a Class of 2001 mentor, you'll work with me to create your own inforgraphic! MENTOR APPLICATIONS & 2017 SCHOLARSHIP DONATIONS ARE DUE ON JULY 31, 2016.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

SAVE THE DATE! See you on Friday, Dec. 23, 2016!

Dear Classmates, Teachers & Friends,
After surveying the Class of 2001 earlier this spring, the majority of our survey respondents said to hold the reunion near the Christmas/New Year holidays to ensure maximum attendance.

We know that there are many parties and obligations during the holidays, and some of you are trying to coordinate travel for the holidays. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW, and hold your evening to see us.

Who Is Invited?
We are still working on event details, but the reunion committee has decided to OPEN the guest lists to the following:

  • All members of the Class of 2001 
  • All Mid-Pacific teachers and staff
  • All significant others from the Class of 2001
  • All Mid-Pacific alumni (as we know that some class members were close to the Class of 2001).

Unfortunately, this is a 21+ over event. We love children, but we are not able to accommodate minors at our event. More event details will be released soon!